.center Domain

Spark Curiosity and Encourage Exploration!

Bring your business back to the .center

Since its invention, the internet has become the epicentre of almost all the activities happening around the world. Through websites, cross-platform messaging apps, social media groups, etc. people are staying in touch of what’s going around them.

If you own a business which also provides the center point of your province, .center is for you! Information websites can portray their domain as the center for knowledge. Likewise, geography-based maps, navigation websites, local search services, job/internship portals, chat platforms can also leverage .center to make their websites a nucleus.

The word ‘Center’ falls into the USA version of English. Therefore, .center is perfect for the USA-based businesses and the brands from other territories following USA convention.

.center top-level domain is simple to remember and renders a professional appeal. It stands out in the crowd of millions of websites.